Is your website working for you?

Let’s inject some life into your site with a data-fuelled content audit that turns browsers into leads

Boost your SEO, craft a consistent brand voice and elevate your content strategy, all while driving towards your business goals. 

You know you could have a website that attracts your audience because you see it being done.

But right now, you don’t have internal expertise to make your vision a reality.

It’s not like you haven’t tried. The website gets updated when there’s a company announcement, or you’re recruiting. But beyond that, the content has looked the same for a few years now. Focusing on the site has been on your to-do list forever.

Somehow, it’s never crossed off. It just gets pushed further down.

And quite frankly, you’re exhausted.

Right now, you’re stuck somewhere between knowing very little about marketing and watching all the YouTube gurus share their knowledge about content marketing.

If you’re being honest with yourself, you don’t have the time or inclination to try and fix your website yourself. But you wanted to learn. 

And watching those videos and reading self-help guides like mine is valuable because when you what’s wrong, you can find the right person to fix it.

There’s one vital thing those YouTubers are missing… they don’t have experience working in life sciences.

That’s why I created a Content Audit service that was built specifically for companies like yours.

I’ve spent 20 years researching, learning and providing marketing solutions in the science sector. When your website is your virtual shopfront, it has 4 jobs to do: welcome, educate, nurture and convert. 

There’s a formula to getting it right. And it starts with data. Handing over the keys to your website analytics could be one of the most liberating things you do. 


Client Perspective

Stephanie joined us at BioLizard as a strategic marketing partner, bringing a meticulous understanding of our market dynamics, conducting thorough research, and providing a bespoke plan with recommendations that strike a balance between strategy and tactics.

kathryn morrissey

Postdoctoral Research Associate | Scientific Communications & Marketing Manager, BioLizard

Website Content Audits

3 research + report services to optimize your online footprint and reach your market more effectively.

What’s included?

A fact-based report that details all of the below and more, ready for you to start implementing changes and seeing improvements.

Feature 1

A content analysis so you can reuse, repurpose or identify gaps and be cost-efficient with your ongoing strategy.

Feature 2

SEO research to discover untapped keywords to boost your organic Google search ranking and learn what your competitors are doing so you can improve on it. 

Feature 3

Brand voice strategy so you build a consistent and relatable tone and create trust and authority with your stakeholders.

Feature 4

Mapping out your site architecture to improve your user experience, keep readers on your site for longer and increase engagement with your content.

Feature 5

Focus on your business goals so your content aligns and ensures your site supports your growth instead of working against it. 

Feature 6

Tackle compliance with confidence so you can minimise the headaches upfront rather than trying to fix them afterwards. 

How it works


Client Perspective

Stephanie is the smartest, brightest and most wonderful leader. A true expert within the strategic marketing field.

Laura Brunton

CEO, Totally You

Ready to get started?

3 Content Audits built for your business

Like what you see?

Get Started


Client Perspective

Stephanie was always very thorough in her approach and never left any stone unturned.

Kasia Hein-Peters, MD

Advisor | Board Member | Founder, Abante Scientific

Meet the brains behind the glasses

Hi there!

I’m Stephanie Bush and my career’s been spent creating, tearing apart + rebuilding, and advising on marketing strategies for the life science sector.

I’ve seen the good, bad and ugly when it comes to content marketing and company websites.

They might be too corporate, have no brand voice, use inconsistent messaging, and lack direction so users are so confused with the journey they close the tab and go about their day.

I don’t want that for you.

Your website has the potential to be your hardest-working tool. Instead of turning people off, it’s going to actively attract them.

When you get the formula behind it right, your site won’t only impact your customers, it’s going to light up the wider life science community too.

Website Content Audits are for companies who:


Want an expert to take a look at their site and make informed decisions about how to improve it


Are ready to level up their online presence and stand out in a sea of bland


Know they could be doing better and now’s the time to make the decision to act


How do I know the business needs an audit over other marketing services?

Your website is your virtual showroom and research lab. All online content points back to it. Once you define a strategy that works and fits with your company goals, everything else becomes clear. Think of it as your north star.

What about ROI?

By implementing the recommendations I make, you’ll see an uplift in traffic and later conversions because your content will be engaging and resonate with your target audience. You won’t be stabbing in the dark any more, you’ll have a clear roadmap to follow and know where to invest your time.

How much contact do you have with us?

I work remotely and we spend time together upfront while we define your brief and establish all the data you can share with me. That’s where I need most of your focus but then I start to research and over the next 2 weeks go deep into your analytics and begin compiling my report. We get together at the end of the project when I present everything back to you and you can ask as many questions as you need to.

When the state of the economic climate is out of your hands, the one thing you can control is your online brand.


A website that shows leadership and innovation, and supports your financial goals is key to long-term, growth and survival.